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Trying To Make My Mind Up


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Hi one and all. We have been considering purchasing a Chrysler 300 for some time now, it is really the only car that has made both my wife and I turn our heads and say “ love the look of that” . The time has come to make our minds up we have just retired and should really be looking at a small 400mpg tax free tin box but.....we want a last hoorah why shouldn’t we have a bit of comfort in what looks a nice classy car.


This brings me to my dilemma having read many of the posts we are wondering what we will be letting ourselves in for; taking the “lot of car for the money” part out of the equation will we be buying in general,a money pit. How many of you would buy another and is the MPG really better than out 2.0ltr Honda CRV


Your comments will be very much appreciated I’m willing to be talked into this lol

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