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Service 2.5 Crd



Hi all just joined the forum. I needed some advice please my car (58,000mls) needs a service, oil and filter change what oil grade is best (53-30 or 5w-20?) and how much quantity shall i need, also fuel filter, and gear box oil change is it ATF 4 that i would need and how much quantity. I am thinking of doing the service myself just wondering any problem areas that i might stumble across. If i decided to go to a garage how long you think it will take them. Any tips be helpfull.

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Deffo ATF+4 for the gearbox and also the power steering, DOT 3 for breaks, 10w40 is recommended in my manual for engine oil in my 2002 2.5CRD. coolant needs to be HOAT and you will find that on amazon by Comma. hope that helps http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0048778U6/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2HNKJF2IJQQR2&coliid=I1ZLFR8014Z76S

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I haven't done my fuel filter yet (only had my voyager a year) but from what I hear it is a relatively easy job to do.

As for the Gearbox and power steering fluid being the same ATF+4, this is because of the yellow metals inside the gearbox etc and using other oils can cause major damage as it starts to corrode.

5w30 oil is ok but is more for colder climates where temps fall consistently below -10 Celsius and summer temps don't get very high, it is a Thinner oil so if used in hot temps it can prevent a good seal around moving parts. 

here for UK I stick to 10w40 synthetic oil as recommended, it covers temps to -10 which doesn't happen here in the midlands :) and gives a better layer of lubrication as the temp goes up but yes you will hear many other people advise otherwise haha

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Cheers. Any other members done there fuel filter? I went to my local car centre they said there are two filters for fuel is that correct? Also will I have to empty the fuel tank to tackle this. Also thinking of using a complete oil flush 5ltr to completely get all the crap out and put new oil in afterwards any advice?
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