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Security Siren location



Hi All,

I have recently part-exed my 2006 Grand Voyager for a 2008 Gen 5 version.

One thing the Gen 4 car did was chirp the security siren when you locked the car with a door still open. I found that the 2008 car does not do the same so I started digging to see whether this was normal behaviour or something was wrong.

I scanned the fault codes and discovered the ITM module is reporting a U110D code, which says it has lost communication with the security siren. 

So here's the question - does anyone know where the siren is located?

I think it is just below the passenger-side headlamp unit, and you need to take off the front bumper cover to get to it. If someone can confirm this, or has experienced the same problem I would be very keen to hear from you.

Cheers, Vince

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