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Abs, Traction Control And Fcw Warning Lights All On



I now have ABS, FCW Off and TRC lights on the dash. Car drives k but won't engage adaptive cruise and blind spot warnings come on for unexpected reasons when in slow turning and reversing.

I'm pretty sure this is a sensor failure but I have also seen that in the USA a recall was made due to a fuse holder problem. Has anyone experienced this issue and have an outcome that didn't cost an arm and a leg to solve.

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    I had much the same problem,also the gearbox held on to lower gears at times.

 changed the o/s/r wheel sensor. cleared codes and drove the car about 500yds lights came back on.

It turned out to be the o/s/r reluctor ring had broken up,fitted a new one and drove the car 20yds lights went out.

I still put the laptop on and cleared the codes anyway, the part you will get on ebay for about £30 but its not a 5 minuet job to change.

It requires the removal of the rear hub to fit it to the driveshaft.

 Hope this helps

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I have this problem too have put it on computer and cameup with n/s wheel speed sensor not reading ,took car for drive still computer attached and yes all wheels reading speed apart from front n/s have bought new front hub assembly thinking might be wheel bearing and hoping will also resolve clunking issue,yet too have hub fitted as not arrived yet but thought would come on and ask if anyone else has come across this ...sorry about the underline cant get it turned off

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hi - first post - I have a 300c estate 2006 -109000 miles only the usual suspension problems until warning lights came on

ABS ESP/BAS and brake warning  , also will only engage low gear and speedo not working , plus park assist service warning and not working   -  all at the same time . Will be heading for my local garage Monday for diagnostic etc - but wonder if anyone got any suggestions that will keep me out of the clutches of Chrysler !



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Update to my abs/esp and traction control lights on . I fitted new wheel bearing to front n/s after testing it on computer job was fairly easy as is a whole hub replacement this solved the problem of the lights I probably could have got away with cleaning the pick up on the hub as bearing wasn't that bad however managed to pick up a new hub for about £45 now have to change the upper ball joint on both side hopefully will cure clunking ,watched all the vids on this looks straight forward although a bit of a pain to get to some of the bolts and to get them out

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Living in France is one thing desired by many individuals. If you want to live in France then you have to get French property. You can read the advertisement section of the newspapers which has the section of houses for sale in France. After making a suitable choice, you should research about the properties for sale in France. French property is now a days very much wanted also.


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I was driving along and had a bang from the back of the car, felt like I ran over something quite big, lost all drive and coasted to the side of the road. Turned the car off and restarted and had the 3 lights come on the dash, abs,esp and traction control, the car still drove fine if somewhat sluggish and held onto lower gears more than normal, so popped to my local garage who read the codes, it all pointed to the offside rear sensor and ring, got both replaced and the dash lights went out and the car also drove normally again. It's not an expensive job to fix, sourced both the sensor and ring for £25 and £60 to fit. Just waiting for the rear nearside to fail now...
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Hi i replaced the sensor myself and the lights were still on the dash, got the abs rear ring off ebay for £7 and paid a local garage to fit it as its a bit of an awkward job, after 2hrs the job was done and all the lights have gone off the dash.. the old ring had literally rotted to nothing.
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Thanks for that mate. I was hoping by replacing the sensor this morning that the lights would go out by themselves, but they haven’t. I’m guessing it’s the ring that needs doing then. I’ll have a look on eBay now. The gear changing thing is rather frustrating isn’t it. Often I’ll start the car, pull away and it won’t change out of first. I have to stop, put it in neutral, then back to drive and it’s fine after that. It’s not great when you’ve just accelerated away from a roundabout lol. Thanks for the info on this. Just out of interest what year is yours? Mines a 2008 pre facelift model. I still have a normal ignition key, rather than the newer fob thing they issued with the later ones.
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Hi briscoe,


Mine is a 2006 saloon which I love the look of and road presence it has, but am finding electrical gremlins with this car. Yes when I had the abs lights on the dash the car wouldn't come out of first, I had to pull over and wait, then it was ok, I heard somewhere it's a safety device on the gearbox, (hence when I heard the bang I was doing approx 60mph at the time and I couldn't get drive untill i dropped below 30mph) but changed the ring and the problem has gone away.

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Hi Eightpint. Our cars are basically the same then. As although mines registered as a 2008, the manufacturer date in the dashboard software is 2006. I think the gremlins are built into these cars sometimes. Everyone seems to have the same sort of problems. One common problem for all the diesels is the oil cooler leaking oil. It’s a ten minute job to change the seals, but 8 hours labour to get to the damn cooler. Mine leaks a bit but it’s so slight I haven’t bothered with it so far.
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Hi Eigtpint. I tried to post a reply on Saturday but for some reason the site was down. Anyway success all round. My local garage fitted it for me, not the easiest job by all accounts. The old ring had completely separated. So they fitted the new one, and within a few seconds of pulling away all the lights went out. Plus the gears changed perfectly, and the cruise control works again. I’m so pleased!!!
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