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Everything posted by madlen

  1. Hi, I've seen that this problem has been discussed a few times already, but I did not find any solution. So when I drive all is OK. When I stop f.ex at the traffic lights the engine sometimes shuts down. When I push the accelerator it does not help. I can usually restart the engine immediately. I did change the fuel filter, shaft position sensor. The only error shown is the flow meter..but I doubt that can cause the engine cut off. No clue what to do with it. The mechanics are not that helpful either...and I am about to abandon the car on the first traffic lights it stops. It does not happen every day...only when my car is not in mood obviously. Another problem which happens sometimes is when I accelerate on the 4th and 5th gear while overtaking other car. When I accelerate fast..there is a very short rmp drop, engine light lights up for a few seconds, and everything comes to norm. Does anyone have any idea? Would be really grateful !
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