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About Junglehead

  • Birthday 09/25/1977

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  1. Hi guys sorry for the delay been off line I've sorted it new map/boost sensor and some 550 miles later all good now. nice easy and cheap to fix 10 minutes. Thanks all for the reply's.
  2. also just to be sure is that the sensor (with 4 Wires) on the top of the engine on the inlet manifold.
  3. thanks again guys should I use EGR valve cleaner on it?
  4. Many thanks for you response. So if i was to change the boost sensor and a professional carbon engine clean do you think that would help?
  5. Hi guys I've been happily drive the gv around now for some time problem free happy days, until today the dreaded engine management light comes on, so I've plugged in the code reader in and codes that have come up are p0237 turbo boost sensor A circuit low and p0069 manifold barometric pressure so before I do anything can anyone have shed some light on this, or is it just change sensors.?? (just in time for school holidays and we have booked a holiday and need the car ) many thanks David
  6. Could be the gas lifters, if you open it manually does it hold up?
  7. Just one nipple or one for each arm. You have to use a grease gun to fill. A local garage could fill them for you before you fit them. Its been a long time since I've seen someone use one.
  8. I guess the proof of the pudding is in the trying. I dont see a risk as Lucas have been around for years and it's not solvent based. Where did you get the kit from in the end.
  9. Well I'm Sorry for making a mere suggestion with out 100% scientific proof. As I'm sure that you must 100% proof that it doesn't do anything what so ever.
  10. Just gear box oil and filter should make a difference any way, but the way I see it it's not going to hurt to add it doesn't cost the earth.
  11. I've not used it as yet but it does have good feedback. It helps with smoother gear changes and help with any wear. I noticed that you tow so I would say a must. http://lucasoil.com/products/problem-solvers-utility/lucas-transmission-fix
  12. I going to do mine at some point. but I'm going to add some LUCAS transmission fluid fix not that I have a problem just helps with gear changes and running.
  13. Tried this https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/272143303631
  14. The multi changer is a DVD player would that work as well I haven't tried it!
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