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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Gavin


    Thanks MrZammas yes a process of elimination for sure, problem being it starts first time all day long after it’s first start. If the fuel pump was not working properly and hence not sending the correct fuel pressure to the glow plugs, why is it starting every other time, even if it’s 10 hours between starts same day it starts? The starter motor is cranking over well by the sounds of it, no labouring there. I thought the white smoke could have been to much fuel by the time it started. Wondered if as I keep cranking it over it finally get the correct fuel and starts, but It still doesn’t answer why it works for rest of day then! I don’t expect it could be the injectors? Gavin
  2. Gavin


    Hi everyone, I have a Chrysler 300 estate, it’s been hard to start past 4 months, been in twice and all glow plugs have been replaced, but it still won’t start first time, sometimes it can take 3 to 4 attempts, lots of white smoke but is fine after and starts first time every time that day!! what is it that is stopping it starting first time in the mornings?.
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