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Everything posted by norbertgolo

  1. it sounds like your issues are very similar to mine, im struggling as hell and dont wanna scrap my motor, could you please tell me shich connectors they cleaned/replaced, kind regards Norbert
  2. Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.8 LX Hello,HELP !!!! I am looking for a talented ​​car electrician or maybe some advice, Maybe even a wizard because it's my car is probably possesed by spirits .. My Chrysler spent two weeks in Dashwood Service Centre and they called me to say they can not solve the problems of electric issues and causes so to pick the motor up.......they recommended a talented electrician ​​to me, but he failed to arrive at 2 appointments !!!!!I'm beginning to have enough of this, Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.8 CRD LX. Auto UK Symptoms - The lights are working when they want, the light controls dont work- Overhead control panel turns on only after the car is turned on for around 30 minutes.- After connecting the battery, without inserting the key, a lot of things like the radio is turned on. HeadTail Lights switched on, so he must disconnect from battery so it doesnt drain.ps / Special - Red , GEL battery imported from the United States.- Indicators and windshield wipers are working not- Dashboard is working sometimes but no fuel indicator does not work. Either on dash or on OHP, Dash only switches on after a while.- Auto BOX, not going higher than 2nd gear. Limp Mode- Error on ODBII which is P0725, Engine Speed ​​Sensor CircuitFrom the searches run it can be a bad ground somewhere. Please help....
  3. Hello, HELP !!!! I am looking for a talented ​​car electrician. Or some advice Maybe even a wizard because it's my car is probably possesed by spirits .. My Chrysler spent two weeks in Dashwood Service Centre and they called me to say they can not solve the problems of electric issues and causes so to pick the motor up....... they recommended a talented electrician ​​to me, but he failed to arrive at 2 appointments !!!!! I'm beginning to have enough of this, Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.8 CRD LX. AUTO 2004 UK - The lights are working when they want, the light controls dont work - Overhead control panel turns on only after the car is turned on for around 30 minutes. - After connecting the battery, without inserting the key, a lot of things like the radio is turned on. HeadTail Lights switched on, so he must disconnect from battery so it doesnt drain. ps / Special GEL battery imported from the United States. - Indicators and windshield wipers are working not - Dashboard is working sometimes but no fuel indicator does not work. Either on dash or on OHP - Auto BOX, not going higher than 2nd gear. Limp Mode - Error on ODBII which is P0725, Engine Speed ​​Sensor Circuit From the searches run it can be a bad ground somewhere. Please help....
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