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Everything posted by Silver

  1. Took the car to the dealer today. The technician told me that my car was no different to others ( Euro 6). The Euro 6 remap had not long arrived for Fiat 500 but this was not applicable to my car, it being a Chrysler. He implied that the Chrysler might get a remap one day but I doubt it will as there are so few Euro 6 1.2s!! I looked at the possibility of a remap elsewhere but they don't appear to do Euro 6 engines yet. It appears thet there is a two position switch on the clutch that looks after traction control, amongst other things, that tells the ECU where the clutch pedal is and adjusts the engine speed. Interestingly they told me that we had hit the clutch and accelerator together fleetingly (big feet) and not to do it or the ECU will fail! It appears that if the clutch is pressed at the same time it might be OK, so heel and toe might be permissible! Just remembered: we still have a late mk1 Punto with the 1.2. The technician commented on it being the same engine. He also made a comment along the lines of the 1.2 engine might now be at the end of it's useful life. The issue appears to be confined to 64 plate and later when the model range changed to silver/gold/ platinum. Of course Chrysler packed in just after this but said Ypsilon would still be available until 2017. Can't see this happening as my dealer doesn't have any now.
  2. Does anyone experience the Euro 6 lag when pulling away at junctions like reported for Fiat Panda and 500 1.2? The car has 2200 miles. Sometimes it will climb hills jus fine. Other times it needs lower gear. When pulling away it slows down briefly before getting going. 2000rpm solves this but then it sounds like a learner is driving!
  3. Bought Ypsilon Gold last October and have decided to join this forum to see what it's all about. The Ypsilon was intended to replace a 16 year old Punto but that got through the MOT with minor welding so still does daily commute! Get the impression that the Ypsilon is not that much better on fuel. It appears that the manufacturer's tune so that they can publish better fuel economy figures. The Punto pulls away easier and is more flexible, possibly because of slightly lower gearing?
  4. Our 1.2 with 1500 miles is reporting 42.6 at present. Around town seems to settle at around 40. Run to lakes at reasonable speed saw increase to 42.9. I reckon it will increase slightly over time. Our old Punto (16 years) does about the same!! Also hear that the twin does about the same unless econ is selected.
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