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About Colinb

  • Birthday 11/09/1958

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  1. With assistance from my friend Leo today he pointed out in Delta Blue n Me unit in fact above fusebox behind glovebox and removed it for me.... Unit now on its way to Revtronic in Bradford for a rebuild. Colin
  2. Hi Same problem with Blue n me unit on delta 2.0 multijet. Is firm in Bradford, england that can refurb but need to remove unit first..... Thought unit was behind fusebox behind glovebox but that does not seem to be the case-is the blue n me unit behind the dash somewhere on a Delta? Video on You tube of Giulietta is helpful but car on video is LHD and this shows unit behind front fascia/panel-presume it is on same place in Delta but would be great if someone can confirm that and give nay tips on how to remove dash panel..... Cheers Colin
  3. Thanks - will try an independent as you suggest!
  4. This car has Bose sound system as standard. When got it CD player did not work-says disc cannot be read/when go into options CD player not highlighted so cannot choose! After flat battery issue (battery now replaced) two further issues: 1. Mileage indicator now flashing. Had a look on fiat forum and seems to be issue with other fiats-any quick or easy fix without taking back to Chrysler? One mention was disconnecting battery again for 30 minutes but doubt it could be that easy.... 2. Now have lost the media player option on the BOSE stereo also-now was not so worried about lack of CD player as could pair phone with music through the BT dongle in the car but now cannot pair with dongle/play music at all... Some research so far suggests computer issues but wondered if anyone had suffered similar experiences and found a fix for the problems? cheers Colin
  5. A very belated reply to Deltamike-sorry! Decided for speed to get stainless system made up at Stainless Creations in Falkirk-they did the job in 2 days. At £700 not cheap but keeping the car long term...
  6. Have enjoyed driving my Delta although was always worried that its limited ground clearance might cause me problems with the shocking state of the roads nad numerous vicious sleeping policemen in Edinburgh. My mechanic has just phoned to confirm that my exhaust has sheared clean through at the bracket where flexi pipe stops and none of his usual factors have any listing-he tried Fiat Bravo but apparently 2L system slightly different-perhaps because Bravo platform is slightly shorter? Anyone here with previous experience of replacing the exhaust/suppliers used? Will try JEEP dealer but wanted to see if ant aftermarket supplier first..... Cheers Colin
  7. SD card arrived from Italy via ebay and with excellent help and assistance from seller have working Satnav again. Cd will not work even with older CDs so still working on that aspect.....!
  8. Hi there Have acquired 2012 Limited to use alongside Lancashire Thema turbo.... Awaiting SD map card from Italy with latest maps as 2012 card says licence expired/will not play so hoping that will do the trick CD player says CDILLEGIBLE when insert CD and CD not an option when go into menu so hoping for some advice....! Bose sound system Cheers Colin
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