Hi. I'm hoping there is till users on this site as in a dilemma. My Sebring was broken into and the thief had tried to hotwire the car, photos are attached ( 1st image is of small black box cables are going into, 2nd image is of connector coming out of bottom left side of under car, 3rd image is of same cable and of wires, 4th is of wires loose , that go into box on 1st image, these wires need to be re connected somewhere, 5th image is of cable that has been ripped free from wiring of car and was loose) of mess i found when i went out in the morning. Now why they couldn't i suspect was because battery had dies as hadn't been used in over a week as 2nd car, so no life in it and they just left, i got metal out of ignition and key barrel works fine by look, but obviously with wires ripped out and mess in total its not trying to start. I've looked on YouTube and other forums for this , just a diagram of where wires need to go back into or what needs to be done to be repaired back to how it was, being as battery was dead i don't think fuses or anything will be blown. a video or pictures of wiring from another Sebring owner ( Mine is UK 2009 Sebring convertible) with same car would be fantastic and can use to put mine back to as it was. Any help would be a real help! really appreciate anything in advance.