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jhr last won the day on April 16 2021

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About jhr

  • Birthday 04/19/1968

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    dublin ireland

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  1. Is belt inc water pump the same as bravo..I have 2012 1.4tjet petrol….I got a gates for car but mechanic said pump is faulty and said doesn’t recommend buying gates again.
  2. Are delta bushes the same as bravo or anybody know where to get,,thanks
  3. Hi, Best to post anything direct to Chrysler voyager thread,I have a delta and was told the same at first
  4. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    Ordered mine through winparts.
  5. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    Thanks for help,,ended up only needing back box ,but good for future,,happiness of not needing rest of exhaust system was short lived as rear indicator leads acted up and had to order new unit?
  6. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    I’d rather have like for like,so either order original from fiat and pay,or get bravo one and weld in a piece.tricky car for parts
  7. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    I’ll ask mechanic what he reckons.thanks
  8. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    Do I just order a bravo middle box and weld it on to the eBay item
  9. jhr

    Middle:centre Box

    Thanks for that,any recommended site for lancia one,otherwise I’ll get bravo one
  10. Mechanic told me probably need to change out centre box in near future,will bravo 11 one work or any help where to look.. john
  11. jhr

    2012 Delta Back Box

    Is it actually possible to buy centre piece exhaust,as can’t find on net,eBay etc.all I get is maybe bravo might work
  12. jhr

    2012 Delta Back Box

    Just a quick question,in case I get ver need middle box for car do you know what one works,back box from eBay works a treat
  13. jhr

    2012 Delta Back Box

    I think you speak wise words there,done it before on a Suzuki and I had cables etc,and still was a pig,,think I’ll leave well enough alone,,
  14. jhr

    2012 Delta Back Box

    You don’t know anything about swapping out radios on them,,I’ve done it before with other cars , but this seems an oddball,,would I have problems with harness etc ,or is there a unit out there preferably with sat nav
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