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About Reeko86

  • Birthday 09/25/1995

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  1. Reeko86

    Fuel Gauge

    Ok so I'm having an issue with a rogue fuel gauge. I filled the tank, only for the gauge to then read between 2/3 and 3/4 upon start up, so I thought the float on the sender may be stuck; after using the approx amount of fuel the gauge caught up and worked fine. Next 2 fill ups and the gauge can't decide what to show - it has dropped in increments of 1/8 down to 0 upon start up then crept back up to full during a drive, or even moved up and down throughout the entire tank - however it never shows more than what should be in the tank. Because of this I have been deterred away from a stuck float I think.... Has anyone else ever encountered this or have any ideas on the cause or possible rectification of it? TIA
  2. Im in the Kent area too (woop woop). As a benchmark I got a quote from the (in)famous Mr Clutch, as mine is due soonish. They came out with £399 and some shrapnel for timing belt change, water pump and coolant flush. Even they make your dealer look steep! The last timing belt on my Delta, before i owned it, was done at a Vauxhall dealer and came out at £530. Must be the Kent Effect! Haha!!
  3. I hope so! Although only get the symptoms in neutral by all accounts....
  4. So, by sounds of it I have a transmission input bearing wearing out. With some more road testing it could become a worn release bearing or pilot bearing... Any ideas on the correct replacements on a 1.6 M-Jet? TIA
  5. Who did you get that from? Did they like for like the rear tip bend or custom alter it?
  6. Thanks for the advice. Turns out a half loose connection nd in need of a clean up on the connection was the issue! ??
  7. So my Delta has decided to stop recognising that the drivers door is shut. It still closes and locks with the key but no remote locking and obviously throws a hissy fit driving it. I'm pretty sure it's a door-is-shut sensor/mocroswitch. Anyone got any ideas on best place to source this or what I'll find when I open up the door panel; any tips greatly appreciated! TIA Reeko
  8. Oh indeed! I regularly see the 2 white ones and more often than not find us side by side... obviously a Kent obsession haha!
  9. Wonder if they can be found here... 2 Deltas I have seen a few times on my commute home, as well as sharing the customary smile/nod with at the lights. Both white, one on a 61 plate, the other I cant remember. Both seen going through Maidstone from the M20 side of the A22, circa 17:45-18:00 and the traffic lights..... Either of those here?
  10. Reeko86

    Boot Floor

    Ok, so bit of a random one here. Come to notice a little qwerk on my Delta. The boot floor flap, beneath which is the spare wheel, doesn't seem to reach the lip on the interior trim at the rear of the car where I assume it is supposed to sit. Everything else appears normal. Anyone else had this or have a bright idea as to the odd apparent shrinkage? TIA
  11. In short it's a repair/replace job. The siren unit is definitely still plugged in...
  12. Brilliant thanks peeps, will give it a go today *glances out window ?*
  13. Ahh OK I hadn't clocked the roll out bit! Will have a gander later! And ahh ok that would make sense as the alarm lights flash but no alarm. Nor is a lock/unlock beep. Any chance of an almost-idiot guide on solving it? TIA
  14. So I have recently picked up an all-white 1.6 Multijet Delta with black tint windows, with 31000 miles on the clock. She's spotless - looks like it was never sat in. Service book followed to the letter - Cambelt done at 21000 miles as it was 4 years old! Currently in process of installing Bluetooth whilst keeping the original radio set-up. However, a couple of questions. First off, the simple. The black spring-clips on the back of the rear seats - what are they actually for? Im sure i read somewhere about a load cover, but unless I'm being blind I can't find mine.... Next the 1/2 issue(s): I get the yellow CODE icon come on at ignition but then goes out once engine starts. This indicate an actual issue, or does it relate to the following: Also get a message stating "Alarm Unavailable". Are the two linked? And anyone else had this/easy fix?
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