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Everything posted by Deltamike

  1. Looking on eper, there is a fair choice of springs across all variants & we didn't get all of them in the UK. Specifically the 1.8 twin turbo & I don't think any with damper control (I assume that's Skyhook). It takes a bit of deciphering but I think the plus sign in the options means with (obvs), the exclamation mark means without. I don't know your car or what springs you fitted (mine is a 1.4 MA SR & I fitted 1.4 Bravo rears & they made no difference, but I haven't had to do a front yet) but I suppose it is possible to affect the ride height on the strength / length of the spring. Say if you had a heavier 2.0 diesel car but fitted the 120hp petrol springs. I remember from my amateur motorsport days, if a version was available diesel springs & components were often a simple way to beef up a 'standard' car for rough stuff, extra ride height & durability etc. I have lost ride height on other cars with broken springs, damaged lower spring platforms & knackered top mounts but you say all your items are good. Have a look at this link & see if you can decipher which springs you should have. Part number 12 obviously, hover over the circled 'i' and you should see the applications. If you click on a part number, then the 'drawings; word on the next page it will tell you if it's shared with anything else Fiat / Lancia / Alfa. For instance, part number 5 (top pad) is Stilo, Bravo II & Delta. https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Drawings/Detail/L/L/DEL/TN/443/1/20/0/SubSubGroup
  2. If you look on ebay for Fiat / Alfa Romeo Tomtom there's a fair few things for sale. If you have the power cradle you just want the unit, be advised though that it's all out date nowadays and I doubt TT do updates anymore for the Fiat unit. Stellantis have moved on to a different system as well now. I have a generic TT and it's just come to the end of the road as it were. We just went for the 'dumb' cradle (still pricey mind!) and use it to hold a phone with something like Waze running.
  3. For non 'Chrysler' specific parts Fiat ePer will sort you out. https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Drawings/Detail/L/L/DEL/TN/102/58/10/1/SubSubGroup Item number 3, OE part 46816240 clamped collar. From that number you can then cross reference to other suppliers. If you click on it & select the 'drawings' tab you'll see it's used on a whole host of Fiats & Alfas as well as our Lancias.
  4. Sorry it's taken so long to reply, I haven't been on here in a while. I still have wheel centre caps if you want one. Picture attached
  5. Front coil spring for the 1.4 Bravo II is the same, that's what I & many others have used. Alternator likewise, 1.4 Bravo II but also 1.4 Croma II & 1.4 AR Guilietta. 2 versions listed (100A & 120A, yours should have a label with the amps & part number) but fitment is the same. Fiat ePer is what you need https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Drawings/Detail/L/L/DEL/TN/553/1/10/0/SubSubGroup HTH
  6. Firstly, as these cars are actually Lancias it’s aways worthwhile doing a search for that, as long as the part you are after isn’t RHD specific of course. You would most likely have to buy from abroad but it beats having the car off the road. Cables are available on eBay from the UK, not particularly cheap I suppose. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325586217495?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UYc4-p3_T3y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4Kpoeel1TUm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Unfortunately Fiat use plastic gears to control the HVAC systems on their cars, over time the plastic becomes brittle and breaks. The usual symptoms therefore are a lack of control of air flow direction or temperature. Fiat sell a repair kit of parts, look online for 77365657 or 77364376. The last one fixed my Delta (direction not temperature), I have to admit I’m not 100% on which one is best for the Ypsilon though. A Fiat/Alfa dealer or good independent with access to Eper might be able to help.
  8. Service reset needs a 'multiecuscan' software connection, so you could go via a Fiat/ Alfa dealer (dealers are pretty hopeless as although these cars are really Lancias there's not much support for RHD 'Chrysler' cars anymore & in my experience they try to dodge them) or decent Fiat/Abarth/Alfa independents can do it, or you can do it yourself if you get your own version https://www.multiecuscan.net/
  9. Few things there. What engine & transmission do you have? Jerky take up of drive could be worn engine or gearbox mounts causing those items to move excessively and transmit the movement through the car. Or could be a worn clutch or flywheel. Can you rock the engine back & forth by hand? How many miles has it done, do you know if it's ever had a clutch? Car should slow down when you take your foot off the throttle due to engine braking, be pretty dangerous if it didn't so not sure what to say about that. Stop & start failure is very likely battery voltage related so you might have a weak battery, in which case you could try disconnecting it & giving it a proper charge overnight, or maybe the alternator isn't fully charging it so either way be worth checking the battery. With the car off it should be 12-13V, with the engine running around 14V. These cars are of course Lancias made by Fiat, nothing to do with Chrysler, so if you have a look on the Fiat forum there's quite a bit about S&S failure messages.
  10. Deltamike

    Sun visor

    Fairly common with Fiats sadly, once they’re gone they’re finished imho, you can’t really replace anything inside them. There’s a car being broken on eBay, have you tried that already? Hooky chinese copies on eBay for £28, cheap but wouldn’t like to say how long they’d last… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124976205276?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=V8D8OZ_8Rwa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4Kpoeel1TUm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I bought a Lancia from one abroad for my LHS; I don’t have the backside-covering warning about child seats & airbags as it’s obviously a driver’s side in a Euro car (so copies my RHS one) but it was cheap enough.
  11. Whining from the transmission could be a few different things, worn bearings or gears in the gearbox or differential could cause it. Any decent garage should be able to check the gearbox oil level & top up if necessary. However if it’s making noise then there is the chance it’s too late by now & a replacement gearbox might well be required at some point. As the car is actually a Lancia made by Fiat (nothing to do with Chrysler) a second hand ‘box from a Punto, Panda or 500 - depending on your engine - should be relatively easy to find.
  12. Yes had mine off. Some screws behind little pop-off covers, I recall 1 behind the pull handle & a couple in the door pull pocket. Might be a couple along the base too. Pop the mirror & window switch out then lever the trim off round the edge with a prying tool. It’ll unhook by lifting up, mine was a rear one so the bit of trim up the window above it needed to be removed too. You should find the release lever cable is (or should be) attached with a clip, along with wiring to the small lamp above the release lever.
  13. I know nothing of 1.6 diesels but from ePer is it not item 3, 55202374? Which does appear to be by the filter. https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Drawings/Detail/L/L/DEL/TN/103/1/40/0/SubSubGroup
  14. There’s part number & some buying information in your question in the Ypsilon section.
  15. Hi These cars are Lancias really, not Chryslers. The Delta is a close relative of the Fiat Bravo so although I can't answer your question specifically, as I'm not from Nottingham, I would look for a good Fiat / Alfa / Abarth independant. ItaliaTec in Ashfield perhaps? https://italiatecltd.co.uk/
  16. Hi, I have put this on a couple of other posts so apologies if you've read it before. This forum is pretty quiet for us Lancia owners, as that is what the Ypsilon is of course. Dealers are struggling with getting parts, Stellantis love making stuff NLA whether Alfa, Lancia, Maserati & so on. Really annoying but these cars should NEVER have been sold with an American badge in the first place. For example, I've an intermittant fault with the BCM in my 2012 Ypsilon & I'm having to go down the cloning route as new are NLA! If it's a part shared with Lancia (ie not RHD 'Chrysler' specific) then the ePer sytem on the Fiat forum will help you with part numbers that a dealer or decent independant should be able to find https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Groups/L/L/Y/TK
  17. Dealers are struggling with getting parts, Stellantis love making stuff NLA whether Alfa, Lancia, Maserati & so on. Really annoying but these cars should NEVER have been sold with an American badge in the first place. I've an intermittant fault with the BCM in my 2012 Ypsilon & I'm having to go down the cloning route as new are NLA! If it's a part shared with Lancia (ie not RHD 'Chrysler' specific) then the ePer sytem on the Fiat forum will help you with part numbers that a dealer or decent independant should be able to find https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Groups/L/L/Y/TK From there you can see the rod you are after is 51835669 https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Drawings/Detail/L/L/Y/TK/701/1/10/0/SubSubGroup By part number your local independant should be able to get one if the dealer can't / won't; alternatively they are listed here: https://www.allcarpartsfast.co.uk/fiat-alfa-romeo/fiat-alfa-romeo-51835669-rod/ or if you search on eBay for item number 126305926317 you will find a very expensive seller in Italy.
  18. Dealers are struggling with getting parts, Stellantis love making stuff NLA whether Alfa, Lancia, Maserati & so on. Really annoying but these cars should NEVER have been sold with an American badge in the first place. I've an intermittant fault with the BCM in my 2012 Ypsilon & I'm having to go down the cloning route as new are NLA! If it's a part shared with Lancia (ie not RHD 'Chrysler' specific) then the ePer sytem on the Fiat forum will help you with part numbers that a dealer or decent independant should be able to find https://eper.fiatforum.com/en/Groups/L/L/Y/TK
  19. This seller in Hungary has both types, this is the earlier 2008-2011 'waterfall' grille with vertical bars: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313482204388?fits=Car+Make%3ALancia|Model%3ADelta&epid=14019958488&hash=item48fcfed4e4:g:Eh0AAOSwMMNkbjcR&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0KpX%2Fx1u4jY2yzrIUektMEA7zI16QpTXhl%2FU4x6S5laW3WZUB3W4VE6HsHAII5vZslTBaig3swsho2ODX0w5wwQ7y4o3J%2BTZxAn0qZicMPo9RXjwrCtfKUU8bFC%2B1ma7ywMllaizJED4hvAcHGSdb0T8TWp6dswK40mN65cWDECjWpeUal2q5HxHdGUVkTbV6EzJMd5GKfS%2Brz6MHSXev3REallBOFy9SLMyQUn%2BB0em%2BHPdydjWGuynR1w1DDuHeP2ynAD8uWWJT8n4QcGfdqU%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7q6q6WiYw Here is the later 2011-on style one with horizontal bars. I've bought plenty of things from this seller with no problems, message him about the emblem https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313953711199?fits=Car+Make%3ALancia|Model%3ADelta&epid=22054694242&hash=item491919745f:g:U70AAOSwKS1iVXLD&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Gu2tYY5GzANmMa%2FXMAUS4GhRe%2Fzfyoa%2B%2F89XzoKkyuASJWeh3BkqSqI7bT6UHG8Z1cjAXfhVGccK%2F7X2oeOfJyndRGyX6gaGpuLV1eF6lz968X6KN%2Br97WumzX6lPjY1esjJlyTXusBAw35QD%2FWNudA%2FRtXVlKEWgvY2hOfzujEjtW07YRkf1oshVU%2BIDmfcCkVOtu5BHLbk%2FEG3aGEs1LVaRK%2Bz2pBAaSfFAN1aewjYJ%2FDRYH686jHdXMgyMXd9G6gW9RlTlnVwD8dG7mXXBetRnRz19rkLKjeccuhEIcQ|tkp%3ABk9SR4i-maWiYw If he can't supply an emblem here's one from Italy, again a seller I have used many times: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266546335508?fits=Car+Make%3ALancia|Model%3ADelta&hash=item3e0f664f14:g:GJYAAOSwx75kUhXg&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0FdAnbMt2V18OSgUTwvA9L7AB3uFHmeh%2BgLBl8Kaz0b9e9K%2FCxTz0n8SgqBsFwFz3rhXrZRHECLSeRl3WKx%2BnprNgitVhkRHa0ktSIntp%2FclbAPjXDtjz8b8oIeD7xZeGvrkHAv%2BI8qK6BHRRgeQzIHZmfcKGy6HwBMgtYixhfz9Ei68yznEleAKayfsavDULpQ%2FIDh%2FC3bndKPgPVQoHaEdad%2Fghc69vWXUZnZpshRBl0q2HUORHlsaBanu57IcRZyRKA3jc%2Fkg%2F0%2Bej5txbSo%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7y6q6WiYw By the way, if you're after 4 wheel centre caps for the 17" SR wheels let me know. I have a set on ebay which I would sell cheaper direct because of no extortionate fees. HTH
  20. Cruise control isn't on the steering wheel, it's on the second stalk on the left side. Is that what you've installed? It also needs a signal from the switches on the brake & clutch, obviously all cars have a brake switch but if your car didn't come with CC have you got a switch on the clutch? Do you have stop/start?
  21. Deltamike


    B&M module is shared across the range but you do need the correct part number. Fiat EPER lists the up to date part as 51943247 & it is shared with the models as listed here (click on the word 'drawings'): https://eper.fiatforum.com/Part/SearchPartByPartNumber?Language=en&PartNumber=51943247 You will need a proxy-alignment after to get the Canbus system to recognise the new unit, until you do that the mileage on the car will flash. This can be done at a dealer, at an independent with access to Fiat's Multiecuscan software or you can buy a simple version of that and do it yourself https://www.multiecuscan.net/ Hope that helps
  22. Yes that’s for an Ypsilon. Specifically in this case, a 2012 1.2 Limited. Hopefully yours is the same! The Delta has it behind the dash above the glove box. Other Fiat/Alfas can be elsewhere like Panda under seat & 500 in rear quarter.
  23. Hi & welcome, see my reply in the Ypsilon section.
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