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About jackrussel

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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  1. Hi,, can you tell me what symptoms you were having to make you look for this relay? Difficult or non available gears/no kickdown/no up or down change/only certain gears engaging or something different? Thanx!
  2. Looking foer a really good, but not madly priced GV, round about 08 ish, FSH, ideally not blacked out side windows/privacy glass, ideally not a black one too! No damage, and remeber, this is NOT the best place to unload a faulty car with hidden issues, to be fair, as I have been all over this forum to get a feel of what to look out for and avoid, but I appreciate 100% honesty in describing it if thats the case. Prefer NW area, dealers welcome if you can do a meaningful warranty too. Cheers!!
  3. Cheers, Biscuit.Had a root round this forum and found some stuff out,, seems they are all hidden by some degree or other, worst being behind the alternator. So maybe not too bad, but had hoped for better in any case,lol!
  4. Hi again folks ,, just wondering whe the glowplugs are on an 08 GV 2.8 CRD,,, front of block or back? More importantly, how easy or hard to change they are? Cheers!
  5. Hi,, not sure if the GV 3.3 has both, I think it will, they are NOT the same thing ;actually and confusingly, they might be! Let me explain... These are 2 magnetic sensors that can detect the position of 1/ the crankshaft, and 2/ the CAMshaft. The signals from BOTH will be checked by the ECU to determine the correct position of the engine in its rotation, and fire the ignition and fuel injectors accordingly. Both sensors have to give the expected output to work OK, any discrepancy and you will have problems. It could be either or both (unlikely both will fail together), so it is a case of swapping a known good or new sensor for the old ones, and try it out. Or get a diagnostic readout done which may pinpoint which one has failed. assuming it is the sensor, and not something else, like a fuel problem. I had a Renault Laguna where the crank sensor failed, and it would sometimes not start at all, or go into limp mode, or behave normally. I changed the crank sensor for 25 quid and all was well. The fault description was IIRC, something like 'fuel injectors no trigger voltage'. Bad signals from the sensor shut down the fuel injectors to prevent damage.BTW, does turning the ignition off and back on again cure it for a while?
  6. Re the above and wrong description of model on ebay and DVLA/VOSA Ebay item 183674627432 Ebay item 264179936996 is incorrect title and description, no reply from seller. Ebay item 173781577984 is correct title, but vehicle details model is wrong (probably from dvla when listing reg nimber on ebay). being 2 examples, some others have ended or maybe removed. Or even sold? Should anyone want a look. And what is it that a lot of them are black, and those dark side windows!! Waaaaay to dark for the uk sun, and I don't like them as its like being in a cellar at this time of year after about half past four. However, should I buy or not?? (not one of these particular ones of course) Seems they all have common faults, viz-oil leakswindscreen chips/damageparking brake woes and brake imbalancetyre wear on shoulderslights (especially rear number plate) being outworm spring bushes (are they REALLY front leaf springs?!)yadda yadda ,etc,. & so forth. looking at DVLA MOT history is quite telling in some respects, as there will be more I guess.Trying to get a feel if I can avoid a lemon, so any comments good bad or otherwise anyone cares to give will be welcome, Thanx in advance folks! (the idea is not to have to come back on here too often asking for help with problems, lol.)But just in case, is there a list of independent Chrysler dealers, or any in Cheshire/Lancashire if things go T.U?
  7. Thanx for the replies, folks, most helpful. The one I was looking at is indeed a grand, just the pic makes it look short. Found at least 4 on ebay that are listed as grand when patently not, and checking dvla history shows grand too, when obviously not. i believe thats a bit serious and misleading. I stopped emailing the ebay ones that were wrong as most ignore me and one got shirty! (one has been most helpful). I presume, then, that a grand is/was a grand, and was always the same length, and did not grow longer as the grand was facelifted or sto'n'go'd? All I have to do now, is come to terms with what I might be getting into as I have had espaces for well over 20 yrs and am contemplating coming out of my comfort/knowledge zone into murky C land! Any definitive buyers guide about or on here as to what to watch for? Modern cars, eh? who'd have 'em.....! Cheers Dave
  8. Seen a few GV mk 4 on ebay, clearly NOT a GV, just a regular V. See pics. Am I missing something? Basing assumption on lengths of rear side windows. Or am I missing something? DVLA have MOT history on a large number listed as GV, when clearly not, too- as far as I can make out.Anyone else noticed how common this is? Which of these 3 are or not please? All help welcome!
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