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Everything posted by Rossocorsa

  1. I guess that Lancia will disappear like Autobianchi and Innocenti can't see them replacing the ypsilon but the decision seems odd as the ypsilon sells quite well outside Italy even if in smallish numbers. I cant believe that any other firm would waste such a valuable brand as Lancia it's very very odd thinking, I can see why they wouldn't bring north American built Chryslers in though they seem ill fitting to European tastes at the moment.
  2. My car was recently serviced by my local trusted independent and he stripped and cleaned the brakes but said they had loads of life left I have 32k on clock but car was Fiat company car for first 10k so could have been really hammered!
  3. Most good android phones are at least 13 mega pixels these days.
  4. Nello You need a nice shiny new android, cameras on them are really good these days and there are lots of car related apps available too.
  5. Odds on that's damp inside the unit, believe it or not I had a tiny spider in the bottom corner of one of mine so it can't be as well sealed as it might appear! And no I've no idea how to get it out!
  6. Went to that last year it was small but a good show, they say it's bigger so I might go again this year but yes not a suitable meeting place in the delights of the NEC car parks!
  7. http://www.freewebs.com/mitcar/maybe a bit late in the year? Not sure what there is sooner, the delta 3 doesn't really qualify for general classic events despite being rarer than most classics!
  8. I've given up on auto Italia they got too greedy with entry fees, mitcar would be a good choice not sure when it is though probably quite a while yet. I'm not in the LMC and not remotely interested in rejoining either.
  9. When is the great lancia/Chrysler delta meet up going to be then?
  10. It uses the original gas generator and bag so there's no difference as far as the car knows. I would recommend though that before disconnecting the battery you open the bonnet lock the car with key and leave it about 10 mins then disconnect that way you are sure that everything has closed down fully and can't be corrupted. Some functions take a while to close as a convenience so if you get back in quickly you don't have to wait for them to boot up. Then disconnect battery and wait another 20 mins to be on the safe side. Also if you are not used to doing car work don't even attempt this sort of stuff it's simple but you must be very methodical or you'll end up blowing your face off!
  11. No flashing mileage either :-)
  12. A few pics To clarify the first pic is the ypsilon bag, as you can see it has two sizes of round holes in the diffuser, the second is the delta bag which is two stage and has both round and elongated holes. The cover is the lancia badged one, from the inside you can see the weakened lines that are designed to split open when the bag deploys. The outer lip of the cover rolls over the back of the bag/diffuser and then locates into holes in the horn push assembly.
  13. Few things sorted, epoxied the key logo on and did the airbag scariest job ever but easy! Took the bag off removed the horn assembly (3 nuts) and gas generator which simply lifts out to find that the inner diffuser is different to the ypsilon bag so using some dinner knives to hold the edges of the cover outwards whilst I removed both diffusers with bags attached. Careful job this as if bags unfurl when you do it you'd be stuffed as they are folded in a specific sequence so that they deploy correctly. Switched the units over and as they say in Haynes manuals assembly reverse of removal! Anyone thinking of buying a second hand airbag from Italy should note that it is really easy to take off the horn assembly and therefore as the gas generator is loose inside ( it is just held straight by a short plastic protrusion when you reassemble) you can refit your old and known to be good generator rather than risk the second hand one, you could also swap your bag over but tbh I doubt that is necessary.
  14. Sometimes it's just a case of going over some of the joints with a soldering iron
  15. When a big wad of notes is required I always think it's worth checking if the unrepairable is actually fixable, there is a principle that says if it was assembled you must be able to take it apart and what isn't practical for a stealer to do isn't so bad at zero pounds per hour for me! I once knew some one who worked at a main dealer (not fiat) and he would take home any electronic bits removed under warranty and try and fix them out of interest and quite often he could.
  16. I haven't done anything yet, it is possible to order the original sill covers from fiat so might end up doing that. Custom ones would be nice but I'm a big unsure about the fit as the panel is a funny shape and the originals have curved edges. Why on earth didn't fiat just specify plain kick plates? They went to perverse lengths and extra cost just to p us off!
  17. £120! Blimey you are a lot more casual with cash than me, is it not at all possible to open the light up and do something? Incidentally Stuart's twin turbo has a funny glitch on one of his back lights when he brakes occasionally a small number of the LEDs flicker but not all the time just sometimes.
  18. They finished without any bids yet again, I did think about sending the seller a cheeky offer but tbh I'm not all that sure about them and it's money spent on something particularly useless so maybe best not, better to save the money for new lancia kick plate trims
  19. The gas generator simply lifts out. I might have a go at the one in the car tomorrow if I feel I can be bothered! However I really need to tidy the garage and get on with the volumex so maybe not will see...
  20. Yes just need to check that the bag assembly is indeed identical with just a single or two stage bomb depending if it's ypsilon or delta, the beauty of this of it works is that the car will retain it's original bomb/gas generator. This also means that used bags aren't so risky as it will be possible to simply substitute the original explosive parts!
  21. Well decided to remove the horn push unit on the new wrong airbag unit three nuts and it lifts off, and guess what you can then just lift out the bomb leaving the outer cover and airbag in one piece! Assuming that the bag/ cover are identical (I imagine they must be) this means I can just swap the front and bag (when I'm feeling brave that is.....) popping the original bomb in the middle and fitting the original horn push assembly.
  22. Same place as you, in black it looks fine have now ordered new rubber centre from them too as mine is getting a bit worn. The logo glue is very soft and pliable not much good at all certainly not permanent, maybe he used the wrong stuff on mine? I am going to keep looking for oe key case as they are nicer quality, missed some a while back at a good price as I was too mean to bid high enough at the end of the day though it's just a key and I am not going to spend a fortune
  23. Got my new key cover in black it doesn't look bad but is inferior material (original was abs) so might not last well but at the price it'll do. The button logo from Italy looks OK but the glue he uses is no good goes soft in the pocket and the logo doesn't stay on, need to get some super glue or similar!
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