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Everything posted by Rossocorsa

  1. Cheaper than a main dealer
  2. You can proxy align with multiecuscan
  3. have thought about this and can't think why this is happening, as a last measure I would try disconnecting the battery ( the car equivalent of 'have you turned it off and on again'). To do this open the bonnet then lock the car manually with the key, leave it for about ten minutes to let all the electronics close down (this probably isn't necessary just a precaution) then disconnect the battery and leave for a few minutes. Reconnect then start the car, don't worry about the error messages that come up it's just everything rebooting, to reset the electric steering turn the steering wheel full lock in both directions, As always follow advice on here at your own peril and bear in mind that I am in no way a qualified mechanic!! Anyway if you try it I really hope it clears the issue
  4. I have no experience of the delta auto but I believe it is simply a modernised dualogic/selespeed, my step daughter has a panda dualogic and I can confirm that the E setting does save fuel however obviously its driving style (for want of a better term) might be an irritation!
  5. Not sure what to think about that! It should find where you are fairly quickly and show on screen, I will need to have a look when I'm next in the car if there's anything in the settings that could cause this. Afaik it's not bothered what country you are in and it has whole Europe maps
  6. I think you'll find if you use the fast demist function it does cut in to dry the air but I've never looked that closely at it
  7. I still consider it to be pretty rubbish as I find it can't be relied upon so I always use the handbrake and I dread the time I have to buy a car with the now popular electronic handbrake hateful things
  8. I've never found this to work properly its very erratic, i find that it only seems to work well if you press the brake quite firmly when you are stopped but tbh i don't worry about it much and never really notice it working in normal driving
  9. The indicator noise level is normal they are all relatively quiet as are most of the warning sounds and reverse sensors. Not sure about the windows open thing I do find it best to have both front and rear open to avoid buffeting
  10. Make sure engine oil spec matches fiat recommendations as you could have problems otherwise, for servicing I would recommend finding a reliable local independent and buying the required parts from www.shop4parts.co.uk who supply original fiat parts at much lower than dealer prices, you should just about halve your service bill.
  11. Yes thought about that! It would be interesting to do a side by side spec and detail design comparison of models, and maybe a diesel vs petrol comparison
  12. Beta has to take priority at the moment after all it's only been off the road for.........about 13 years! Time I had it running again
  13. 35k on mine and just flew through the mot with no advisories, still on original brakes (afaik) and by the way they are very picky at the garage they put advisories for almost anything
  14. No I've not even fitted my illuminated sills yet (or replaced the air con condenser that's was hit by a stone) :-( , I think life is too short to worry about these tiny details! The Beta is neglected too and takes priority when I can be bothered!
  15. Mine hasn't been washed for about 3 months, but I'll wash it today so you are not disappointed and beaten as dirtiest car
  16. No experience of this ! I would suggest asking on the fiat forum bravo section as the visors are probably the same or very similar
  17. If Stuart and Julia bring theirs we might have 4 deltas
  18. I don't know the definitive answer to this but have had this effect in the past (car constantly pulls slightly to one side) , try disconnecting the battery again then when you reconnect and the car systems boot up turn the steering wheel fully left/right to the stops.
  19. OK I will be going to MITCAR any others definitely planning to go? Haven't decided if I'll go in the Delta as I can get a lift in Steve's Beta Volumex and the fuel saving would be handy! Julia and Stuart might be there as well not sure if they will be in his delta or Julia's panda, I can try to influence their vehicle selection if this is going to be Delta 3 meet 2015
  20. I think it could look a bit odd with extra badges, not sure which would be best to use the normal ones are probably too large. You can get the front one wthout the grille though. For me I'd say either go the while hog or leave as is although it is a big improvement to remove the tailgate badge which is hideously over large
  21. Rossocorsa

    Delta Tyres

    I only do dodgy jobs on my own stuff!
  22. Rossocorsa

    Delta Tyres

    It's easy to swap the front cover from an ypsilon single phase airbag onto the Chrysler two phase one you just need to feel brave but actually I don't think it's very dangerous!
  23. I wouldn't consider it necessary unless you mean to keep it a very long time, modern Italians really aren't bad at all for corrosion
  24. Looks like we might need to look towards mitcar then? http://www.freewebs.com/mitcar/
  25. I might make Stanford but I'm I'm a bit of a mess at the moment with marriage break up so will see how things are
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