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About VinceC

  • Birthday 11/01/1955

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  • Location
    Potters Bar, Herts

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  1. I have used RockAuto.com in the US for Chrysler parts. Their prices are far better than UK prices (assuming you can even find the part you need in the UK) and their shipping is scarily fast. You have to look for Chrysler Town & Country parts, but they are exactly the same as the UK Grand Voyager. My latest RockAuto purchase was a Brake Fluid level sensor for my 2008 Grand Voyager. Ordered on Saturday, arrived Wednesday. Not bad! Cheers, Vince
  2. Hi All, I have recently part-exed my 2006 Grand Voyager for a 2008 Gen 5 version. One thing the Gen 4 car did was chirp the security siren when you locked the car with a door still open. I found that the 2008 car does not do the same so I started digging to see whether this was normal behaviour or something was wrong. I scanned the fault codes and discovered the ITM module is reporting a U110D code, which says it has lost communication with the security siren. So here's the question - does anyone know where the siren is located? I think it is just below the passenger-side headlamp unit, and you need to take off the front bumper cover to get to it. If someone can confirm this, or has experienced the same problem I would be very keen to hear from you. Cheers, Vince
  3. Hi All, I have just purchased a 2008 Chrysler Grand Voyager Limited. I have been a Grand Voyager owner since 2001, but this is my first 5th Generation car. I have two minor head-scratching issues which I am struggling to understand. One - the TPMS tyre pressure display on the dashboard is showing in Bar, rather than PSI, but I cannot find the way to change it to PSI. It is not affected by changing the Personal Settings units from Metric to U.S. Two - when I set the display units to U.S., the interior climate display changes to Fahrenheit OK, and things like distance to empty show in miles as expected, but the outside temperature display on the dash (next to the compass direction) remains in Centigrade. I can't find anything relevant in the handbook, so does anyone have any thoughts or solutions? Many thanks, Cheers, Vince
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