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Andrewgrale last won the day on July 29 2023

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About Andrewgrale

  • Birthday 09/01/1965

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    Munster, Ireland

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  1. Yes it does, but in my experience it does not howl if the battery is disconnected, although at this point the back up battery is at least 10 years old Just be aware that steering, windows and various other bits need to be reset when the battery is reconnected
  2. Fiats part system is called EPER, do a Google search to find an open source version and have your chassis number at hand
  3. Andrewgrale

    Mr Rob

    I'm presuming you only have 1 key???
  4. Andrewgrale

    Oil leak

    Your mechanic must have missed something
  5. The sensor is either in the intake pipe or the manifold
  6. I don't think that there is any fuel filter, I think it's pre filtered in the tank and the injectors have a gauze filter, spark plugs are good for 80k, as for the timing belt, I would just change the belt and check everything else (water pump, tensioner and auxiliary belt tensioner bearing)
  7. Check your tyre pressure
  8. Bravo >2007 springs are an exact replacement
  9. It's the anti skid warning light
  10. The Delta 1.4 multiair is a hoot to drive, it's basically a Fiat Bravo/Alfa Giulietta in a more stylish package, it's built by Lancia on behalf of Chrysler and is the exact same as the original Lancia delta It will make the Polo feel like a slug in comparison, 140bhp and 40mpg is not too shabby Interiors are tough and durable, if not a little dull No modifications on our car and at 70k miles, still on the original front discs and pads, the last of the original tyres lasted until 60k miles As I said, it's basically a nice Fiat Bravo so parts availability is easy enough, I do my own maintenance and have never not been able to get parts
  11. If the stereo itself is not working when you switch it on, then it is most likely that the unit fuse (fitted in the back of the unit) has blown, replace it and test it. As regards reading files, Blue and Me is a separate system, as is the lighting and so forth
  12. You need to get multiecuscan and scan your system to see what is recognised by the ecu
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