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About mrleeds6

  • Birthday 08/03/1974

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    leeds, UK

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  1. Hey all anyone know some good parts suppliers apart from scrappers? Im looking for a replacement for the plastic trim that sits on top of the running boards. Thanks
  2. mrleeds6

    Brake Lights

    Found the problem. Had put wrong brake light bulb in previously. The bulb i put in had a single contact on bottom in middle. The bulb should have had 2 contacts on the bottom.
  3. Was a wrong brake light bulb i had replaced over a month ago...Only just noticed problem when using lights more. Bulb had a single terminal in middle, should have been a double terminal bulb.
  4. Just got back from garage with the solution to post here. Yep single contact bulb where a double should have been. Changed it over a month ago.!!!!! Only just noticed problems when using lights. Bulb seemed to work fine when i changed as i checked without lights on. Thanks everyone for your time and effort.
  5. Hi Using the indicators has no effect, i have checked the rear bulbs and fuses and none have blown . The light switch seems fine cycle through sidelights/lights/front fog/rear fogs, The dash illumination behind the light switches has gone tho. I mentioned that the brake lights work normally when lights are off...however i noticed that the front sidelights come on also when braking. The front fogs are also gone but ive not checked those bulbs yet. maybe time for an auto electrician..
  6. Hi , im Phil and new here. I have a problem with my 2003 grand voyager rear lights. My brake lights work normally until i turn my headlights on. When i do turn my headlights on my rear lights dont light but the 3 brake lights come on constant. The reverse lights and rear fog are not affected. Also noticed the dashboard illumination of the lights switch area bottom right of steering wheel has gone out. Is there a fuse/relay for the rear lights thats possibly blown? looking forward to a fix. Thanks in advance
  7. mrleeds6

    Brake Lights

    Hi Ray, Did you find a solution to your problem? I have the same problem on a grand voyager 03. All went after i had used fog lights. Thanks Phil
  8. Hi , im Phil and new here. I have a problem with my 2003 grand voyager rear lights. My brake lights work normally until i turn my headlights on. When i do turn my headlights on my rear lights dont light but the 3 brake lights come on constant. The reverse lights and rear fog are not affected. Also noticed the dashboard illumination of the lights switch area bottom right of steering wheel has gone out. Is there a fuse/relay for the rear lights thats possibly blown? looking forward to a fix. Thanks in advance
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