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Everything posted by mikebh8

  1. There is a say around which I know for many years: Everything can be done and if I can't do it someone else can. Get a parrot mki9200, it comes with aux, iPod, USB connections...plus you can stream from your phone via Bluetooth. I have it on my grand voyager that came with satnav and amplifier. You just have to find someone to fit it for you unless you're good with wires. Hope it helps.
  2. I have an aftermarket xenon ones, on both low and high beam, they work just fine for £20 each, for a piece of mind I have a spare in case they don't last. 6000K is more than enough. As per the cleaning, I suggested it before: Wet and dry sand paper 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and a 2000 just to make sure. Each one for about 20-30 mins and at the end a good quality glass polish product. It worked in my case. For the inside is the same process but after getting instructions from YouTube how to put your headlight in the oven to take it a part. Careful not to touch the silver paint as it is a very fine layer and it comes of very easy. Hope it helps.
  3. It is abnormal, somewhere is a short as it shouldn't come on, any light for that matter. Try the key dance( is not always accurate) and see if you have any faults coming up.
  4. Justvto clarify, you meant diesel jot petrol. Andyb2000 opened a topic about it, move there and you might get some more info.
  5. This the one is like the one I have Just can't send you the link as is through ebay and it won't let me while logged in. On mine the key dance was showing only...I don't remember the code...but related to the key itself, when connected the Delphi showed two more, fuel related....when I eventually got it running. Also it can stream live data for abs and injector banks Plus you need autodata, is a lot of information there that helps with cars. When I get home I'll send you some links...if I can, my copy is through an account on filelist.
  6. Hi and welcome, I quite like them myalef too, just bear in mind they are rear wheel drive. Same as any make or model if you take care of it, it will take care of you. P.S...still driming at one.
  7. What colour is the light? Red is pressure, yellow is level The oil should be half way between low and max because of the up and down the hills. If is all the way up when you go down the hill you will have your crankshaft flooded and if you have it close to minimum when you go up the hill the oil pump will pull in air. When you put the ignition on, the oil light and the battery light (and some others) would stay on until the engine is on, when the engine is on it builds up pressure and the sensor will turn the light off( well the ecu but you get my point). How it helps.
  8. I was looking online ( random diesel engines with same fault) and I found this...looks interesting. And the first comment is from a guy called Chad that had the same fault on his town and country, it might be it...even though is very strange diagnostic. http://www.autoserviceprofessional.com/article/92420/The-dreaded-engine-surge?Page=5
  9. I had one injector faulty, but after starting it with easy start, would go on until the engine got cold again...I went to Germany last year with the faulty injector and didn't have any problems, only when sat on the drive over night... But in this case is a bit stranger. Did you have a diagnostic hooked up( not just the key dance). I suggest you get a Delphi, it does the job and it only cost around £60 and it works on any windows, I have it on a windows 7, 8.1 and an old xp (I don't know on windows 10 as I uninstalled it and went back to windows 8.1 Also, if left on idle would it run continusly( sorry you might have mentioned already) ifbit does it only when accelerating, what about the thortle position body?
  10. Yes it was, I actually heard that used one is better but never tried it, straight from the shop. It did not start the next day because I became greedy by pouring 100% oil when the recipe is 50-50 ( oil -diesel) in the winter and 70-30 in the summer.
  11. ...it does sound like fuel starvation, What about the quality of fuel. I once went to France with cooking oil, all fine until next day(-2 or -4 it was) when it did not want to start until I drained two batteries and towed it about 400 metres. But once started it was like running in three pistons and a bit smokey. I do apologize if I go randomly but hoping at least will take you near the fault...
  12. On mine when I disconnected that sensor, the fans kicked in bu the temp gauge was at high...wasn't showing the right temp.
  13. Hi, does it do it every time or sometimes it works fine? For the high pressure test you need something like the one in the link below: https://www.toolstop.co.uk/index.php?option=shop&page=shop.product_details&product_id=53686&l=uk&utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&gclid=CjwKCAiA9rjRBRAeEiwA2SV4ZXLGecY2-1TmCMHaSx0UByUBX9xhBqTGkNAYOwABjFNHddeBuHulHRoCLkgQAvD_BwE I don't remember the values on idle or reved but soon as Im home I'll try find them and post them here. Just a guess as mine was doing the same few days ago, do you have the top cover on with that bit of foam on it? That would keep the injectors and fuel rail wormer for cold start. In past one of the cars was doing it intermittently and I found it was a thick black wire with an eye crimp on it disconnected from a bolt....it was touching the body enough to drive but from the vibrations when reved (specially on motorways when accelerating) was coming detached and the engine was cutting off. Hope it helps.
  14. Hi, if I remember well from when I worked on mine, is in front side of the engine below the glow plugs. Hope it helps.
  15. Hi, I'm not sure on your model but they are usually near the windscreen between the air vents. I doubt they changed the place as the GPS antenna needs to be as clear as possible with the sky , with no metal parts between the two. Hope it helps.
  16. Ieant power to the plug and the plug itself...anyway good is sorted.
  17. Did you try with a bit of WD40 and pressing it few tens of times? ...I once dropped coffee on a switch and it stucked as it was glued. Just a thought, hope it helps.
  18. Hi, you just push towards the dashboard the accessories belt pully( I think it is a 16mm...I recently worked on it but I can't remember) and take off the belt. Once the alternator's bolts are loose you have to wiggle the alternator back and forth and it will come out. Pay attention when the belt is back on that is in place well on all the pullies. If you forget how it was, make a drawing on a piece of paper( on Chrysler there is usually a diagram on top of the radiator under the bonnet) Most important, remove the battery terminals while working on it. Hope it helps.
  19. First: with the engine on, and no charging, no decent mechanic would suggest to replace the battery. I would check the alternator, probably someplace else. With the engine running remove the battery, if the engine stops there is no charge. Also, if his software shows 14 something volts and on your multimeter 11.9, and if the software is right, it means the leads from the alternator to the battery are damaged. Check with your multimeter, at the alternator( there is a 13mm nut at the side/top) and against the body of the car, see what reading you get. For the resistor to check it's value, please look at the link below https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=resistor+colour+code+chart&oq=resistor+code+colour&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.5802j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=fKPKoho7ClunYM: I never done the so called "buttonmod", where you got the info should specify what size you need. Hope it helps.
  20. Hi, the wires in the picture have been removed from a 2001 grand voyager and they were connecting a parrot model CK3100. The model was with cassette and cd plus at the bottom with a cd charger, like the one in the second picture. Hope it helps
  21. I'm happy for you...but before the new pump fitted, no one checked the plug...even while fitting it?!
  22. Hi Gigmobile from Wimborne, we're sort of neighbours, I'm at BH postcode. At Charles Trent, Chryslers come and go, you have to keep looking on their webpage under "coming soon" section.
  23. I'm sure it is always on, if you want it off, there is a switch above the steering wheel column ( between the steering wheel and the dash). Hope it helps.
  24. There is a recent topic for fixing for the clunk on the front side, the top strut mount was loose, try tighten the bolts or replace the rubber bit. Hope it helps.
  25. Jack the car up and play the wheel left to right and up to down, see if is movement. You done all four wheels? does the steering wheel vibrates, if not is coming from the back. After few miles, stop and touch ( keep in mind it can be very hot) the wheels and check if any of them is hotter than the others. Did you have that problem before? Also check the shaft and axle nuts the wheel's centre but) if they are tight enough, I recently fixed one that was doing it but it had the abs sensor on the dash. Hope it helps.
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