Hi, 2003 2.5 diesel Grand Voyager owner from Kent. Had it a year, love it. Best car I've ever had, comfy, ideal for my family. Had a coolant leak after damaged a pipe leaving a very muddy bumpy field around xmas. Car overheated and found a nice hole in a pipe which was replaced. This last month however, my car decides to overheat when on inclines.... Been to a few mechanics/garages, none of which want to look at it, saying its too much hassle for them to fix, but all stating the same thing, its either the thermostat, water pump, radiator or head gasket. I'm now in a bind, as i know nothing about cars, and believe I could spend a large amount getting the water pump replaced, only to find that's not the issue. Same for all the other parts. Any ideas as to what I should get checked first? I'm thinking thermostat.... Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks, Neil