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Everything posted by Nello

  1. I've had a quick hunt around but cannot see much about even on the Italian forums. Do you have a few LED's out or the entire strip? Shot in the dark but this vid is on You Tube for the Bravo - Yes its not in English and Yes although they are based on the Bravo the Delta is a different car - and its a different light - but might give you an idea. Looks like he removed the complete internal trim surround to get behind the light fixing? Worth a look/try? Sorry I cannot help more but if I find something better I'll pass on.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppf8nbC3uWA Good Luck!
  2. Nello

    Delta Exhaust

    Hi Penguin - Got a bit of a result - I cross referenced part numbers on eper again. I have found that part No.51816909 - sold on ebay to fit the T-Jet Bravo appears to be exactly the same as the MultiAir rear box. You can add any FCA group part number to eper and can select the 'Product Previously in Use' drop down - and will show commonly used other models across the marques. I've bought a brand new aftermarket one sold for the Bravo off ebay for £30!!!!!! It looks identical. I've not actually got around to fitting yet as the EML light has now gone off - the hole is only small and the Lambda/ECU have obviously adjusted - though we're away to Devon in a couple of weeks so will fit before then and confirm. The local Chrysler/Jeep dealer wanted £185 for want effectively is the same part!!
  3. Hi DeltaPM and welcome. Not had to touch mine so not especially useful however this is the graphic from eper : Looks like there might be x4 holes in that upper strip so presumably there's x4 bolts along the top somewhere! Good Luck! http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u241/yardelli/delta3rd_zpsut3fzm5o.jpg
  4. Nello

    Delta Exhaust

    Hmm ok so it seems this was the beginning of the end of the rear box anyway. Came home and the wife says the engine light is on? Started car and the exhaust is clearly now blowing - I can see a hole in the box. Presumably why the engine light came on (Lambda pickup/pressure loss etc.)? Anyway now finding it a bit tricky to locate a new exhaust. All the generic suppliers don't seem to have the Delta listed?................ Anyone had to find one before?
  5. Sorry grods - not my area. The CANBUS system on the Delta can throw all sorts of wobblies when things are disconnected. Hopefully someone else on here may know? Looks like you're in the UAE so presume no specialists with diagnostics tools there? Best of luck with it anyway.
  6. Welcome Lindzy - glad you like the car. How many miles has it done? Front end knocks are usually bush/damper related.
  7. Nello

    Delta Exhaust

    I noticed a knock coming from the rear of my car the other day. At first I thought it was my youngest's pile of books on the back seat falling to the floor but when I walked to the rear of the car I noticed the silencer was hanging down. The rear rubber coupling had sheared off. A quick google-surf and I found the Lancia part number off Eper - 46810305 - google again and this is a common fiat group bit shared with the likes of the Bravo/Stilo. The Fiat part number 712650281 is exactly the same part and there is also a generic part number of 420397. Anyway the point is as its a shared component - a quick 10 minute drive to my nearest Euro Car Parts and with the current Summer discount code I got a new one - in stock marked up for a Stilo for the princely price of a tenner! Doddle to replace - I cut the old rubber off the box - bit of WD on the single nut bracket and on the two exhaust prongs to put the new one on and its all sorted. Hope this helps someone else! No need to go to a Chrysler dealer. My car has now done 48k so to be expected. The rear box is darn heavy!
  8. OK does anyone with the 18" Limited wheels need some Lancia centres? I took a punt on a set of centres for these wheels as they were a good price. Only issue was they were from a Delta 'Hard Black' edition so are painted gloss black. They are brand new and I checked eper to see if they would fit and presumed no issues as the wheel hubs appear to be generic across the range. My car has the 17" wheels and size wise they are the same however what I did not take in to account was the Lancia centres have the badge 'embedded' in to the centres. This means they are sunken a little a shield shaped depression in to the centre. The 18" Limited wheels allow for this as they are more bowed however the central nut an spline does not leave enough room on the 17" wheel so they stand proud of the wheel and do not fit. Unfortunately I did not take this in to account before spraying one of them graphite! I will happily spray the set to complete or they can be passed on as is - I'll send on the car of spray I bought - PlastiKote Aero Pewter is a very similar match. These things are about £25-£30 each from FCA - I'll pass on the lot for £50 - set of four - sprayed if required and include the paint..................... http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u241/yardelli/2016-04-16%2019.14.44_zpshu66qvg8.jpg
  9. Just to update re:the thread - my filler caps behaved perfectly now ever since I first posted so anyone else get this issue - wiggle your hinge!
  10. As per the other thread the 1.4 is built for low-down economy. With its gearing you will need to drop to 1st even at low speeds - i.e. pulling away when lights change before you've stopped etc. It does not like to stay in 2nd at low rpm.
  11. Hi Dido - Looks like your post had appeared x3 times for some reason - Mods will hopefully sort........ Anyway I have the 1.4 SR MultiAir. Yes 44 on a run but I return no less than 33mpg around town. The 1.4 is a typical modern engine - smaller in capacity but Turbo'ed for performance with economy. If you observe your 'Eco' drive dash light - i.e. Change up or down when it asks you'll see the increase in MPG. In many ways it echoes the torque a Diesel gives you and is quite happy not to rev. 6th at 40mph is totally within its acceptability. My wife revs it more and is not used to being able to change up at lower speeds and at lower rpm.
  12. Just to update this - only took me a year. I finally replaced my complete light unit with a new one. Sourced one from a German seller. It was new and un-used but had a slight chip off the very bottom corner which is hardly noticeable so was a bargain 50 Euro! All LED's now perfect
  13. Yes its another Italian pain-in-the-derriere access job. Probably easier to cable-tie the clutch pedal whilst doing it. Even when you have access to the unclipped matrix you still have to crupple up the filter to get it in!
  14. Try 0638353520182 - I bought mine off ebay - a genuine Bosch set. Lookup a company called RedLine......Think it was about £23 for the front pair.
  15. The Mk.3 Delta must have the easiest to remove back lights ever! I have taken my nearside one off loads of times trying to get several LED's to come back in to life. Think I'm going to have to buy a new unit myself TBH. Remove the carpet-panel from behind the lights and reach in. There are just two hex bolt-fixings for want of a better word to remove the whole unit. Careful it does not drop out all of sudden and shatter. You will find it a good opportunity to clear the green moss and gunk that gathers at the light edges whilst its out. I'm going to seal mine better to stop that - not that mine leaks......................
  16. No issues with leaks for me...... try getting someone to pour water all along the tailgate edges whilst you are sat in the rear - you may notice where the leak is coming from. I cannot think where else it may be coming from TBH
  17. No mate - saw your other post which reminded me of the plate lights. Not ordered them yet but not too pricey so will next week. Camera sounds cool but as I've no SatNav.............. Can't justify the price at the moment...... Still keeping a close eye on the rear light units. Cheapest around £120 new from Italy. They flicker on occasionally but most of the time the bottom 3 and the middle 3-4 flicker or are off. I'm going to try heating or even considering trying to break open the unit - can't be that much of an issue. There was a guy on the Delta FB page posted a piccy where he had Dremelled the back off his so we'll see but does seem to be another weak point. It is driving me mad though as bulbs out are another thing I get mad about...................I thought LED's were supposed to be more reliable! As I've mentioned before though the rear light units are ridiculously simple to remove so I think probably susceptible to damp etc.
  18. Just to update - defo another Italian'sim...... Been perfect ever since.............
  19. ..... Did I mention I've found some LED's with adapters to avoid Canbus errors for the Delta's rear plate? Just awaiting contact from the seller in bella Italia?........................... Bugs me a little that we've way cool LED lights yet yellow'ed plate illumination. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDYwMA==/z/g0cAAOSwNSxVP8Yp/$_1.JPG
  20. Perfect thanks mate - I've just watched a couple of YouTube Vids from 500 drivers removing wheels and they seem to be Fiat-generic in the way they are applied. Can see those dimples so will have a go - though still nervous about errors on dash etc. I have a thing about dash warnings / lights that won't go out. I went to recharge my battery a while ago and had to reset a load of things - window auto / close feature etc etc. Fingers crossed!
  21. Nello

    Door Handles

    Rear drivers side Mike - I'll put up a piccy Mon night..............
  22. Nello

    Door Handles

    Chaps - word of warning. My youngest leaps in an out of the Delta like Ironman - noticed the other day that the left edge chrome 'trim' - to the left of the door handle has come loose. Attempted to 'wiggle' and the whole piece has snapped off from the handle assembly. Looks like its screwed down by two lugs behind it but has snapped off - fairly thin plastic so no suprise really. Anyway I'll attempt to bond back in with some araldite or such like but watch yours don't snap off as well as I cannot imagine they are the easiest part to get hold of.
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