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The Lightening Bolt Of Doom!
BrownSugar and 7 others reacted to Briscoe76 for a question
Afternoon all. I thought I would share a bit of a story that happened to me this weekend, in the hope that it will help some others if the same thing happens to them. The model it concerns is any 300C with the Mercedes 3 litre V6 diesel. I'm guessing the newer models with the VM diesel will be totally different. So there we are, on the way to Wakefield from Essex where we live, merrily trotting along the motorway. All of a sudden the dashboard starts to chime repeatedly (as if i've left the headlights on and got out), the engine cuts out completely, and on the dashboard are the engine management light, and the red lightening bolt, with a reverse bracket either side (see attached photo). We coast to a stop onto the hard shoulder, and i try to restart the car. It turns over and over, but refuses to fire up. The missus gets on the phone to the RAC, and we're told there's roughly a two hour wait, so this gives me a bit of time to do some Googling before the patrol arrives. Now then, if you refer to the handbook, it clearly states (even in the diesel supplement) that the lightening bolt light indicates there is a fault with the "Electronic Throttle Control". This is utter nonsense. As it turns out, on the diesel models only, this light refers to a fault with either the Swirl Flap Motor, or the Turbo Actuator. Annoyingly this isnt listed in any of the handbooks that come with the car. Poor show Chrysler! Whenever you turn the ignition on in the car, you can see the arm of the turbo actuator raise up. So if this is the problem, then its very easy to diagnose. I tried this little test, and sure enough, the turbo actuator arm wasn't popping up when my wife turned the ignition on, so naturally I thought this was the problem. Sadly I was wrong. What had happened to my car was this.... Over time, the seal around the air intake on the front of the turbo degrades. This allows a small amount of oil to drip onto the swirl flap motor, which is situated directly below. (very poor design). This oil had eventually seeped inside the motor, causing it to short out. This short had instantly popped fuse number 15 under the bonnet, which in turn had caused the engine to shut down while doing 70mph to protect itself. I didn't have the handbook in the car with me sadly, so searching on the internet just have me fuse diagrams of the petrol models, which on those shows its for the injectors. Again as it turns out, fuse 15 in the front fuse box does completely different things on the diesel models. It protects the following.... A/C Clutch, A/C Pressure regulator, Crankcase Vent Heater, EGR Valve, Engine Control Module, Fuel Pump, Glow Plug Module, Swirl Flap Motor, Oxygen sensors.. So I replaced the blown fuse with a spare 20 amp, and the car fired straight up. It was now in limp mode, and showing the EML and Lightening light, but it was drive-able up to about 80 mph, albeit a bit slow getting there. By this time, the RAC man had arrived. Now there is nothing worse that someone interfering when a pro is at work, so when he arrived, I left him to it, and he plugged the diagnostics in, and it threw up a ton of errors all related to things connected to this fuse. All except the swirl flap motor. He was a bit confused at first, but then I mentioned that I think it might be the swirl flap motor. He hooked up all his testing gear to it, ran a load of tests, and sure enough confirmed to me that the motor was dead. He then cleared the ECU codes, started the car, and only then did it throw up a specific Swirl Flap related error. HE gave me some spare fuses, and after a quick road test, we were on our merry way albeit in limp mode. Now to fixing it. The cheapest place I could find to supply and fit a new motor quoted £575 plus VAT. The motor is just over £100, but the labour involved is a joke. Anything that is situated inside the VEE of the engine (Swirl Flap Motor, Oil Cooler) etc needs major open heart surgery to fix it. Annoyingly both the motor and the cooler seals have known faults, so they couldn't be in a worse place! If you fancy forking out all that money to have the motor replaced, then that is no doubt the best way in the long run, however there is a quick fix for £1.99 and YES it does work perfectly. Get yourself some 4K7 resistors off of ebay, they are £1.99 for 50. Remove the engine cover, then remove the intake pipe that runs from the airbox to the front of the turbo. Right below the turbo, you will see a black box. This is the offending motor. On the right of the motor is a multi plug held in with a grey clip. Remove the metal bracket above the plug, and pop the plug off. Grab a resistor, and bend the legs in such a way that they will fit snugly into the two centre holes in the plug. Theres 4 in total. Once you have put the resistor in, and you can confirm its in there properly. Tape it up with electrical tape so the resistor wont fall out. Replace the metal bracket, and the air intake pipe, leaving the plug sticking up so you can get to it again in the future if you need to. Then start up the car, and stand back in amazement as both the engine management light and the lightening bolt lights extinguish, and the car comes back out of limp mode. Take the car for a drive, and you will see that it drives as good as new. What you have done here, is fool the car into thinking the swirl flap motor is working again. WHen in fact its now disconnected. You shouldnt notice any difference in performance or fuel economy at all. The emissions may be up slightly when cold is all. So to summarise, if your car cuts out with the lightening bolt on. 1) Coast to a stop 2) Curse, swear, have a fag, but don't despair 3) Check fuse 15 in the front fuse box, and replace 4) Start the car and drive home in limp mode - The car will do upto 80mph 5) Order your resistors from Ebay, making sure they are the 4K7 type 6) Still use your car while you are waiting for them to be delivered, remembering that it wont pull away as quick as usual 7) Fit the resistor at the weekend in the rain 8) Stand back, chest puffed out, hands on hips, telling the neighbours you've just saved almost 700 quid :-)8 points -
Yes Nello, it is a Limited, cream leather interior, heated seats but not electric which I find strange, changed the cabin filter today the one that came out was FULL!!! huge sunroof which also was unexpected, I thought it was just a panoramic roof! My 500X returned 48mpg in town driving and Yes sport mode is entertaining, have you found the 'G' meter?? Sorry the interior photos are poor.4 points
Hi, hopefully this car is going to be mine! The low mileage is due to it being a Guernsey car, so low miles but perhaps a bit more clutch abuse. I've put a deposit on it, just waiting now for the dealer to get a UK registration & MOT for it. I would say it hasn't seen many harsh winters and salty roads etc., however I suppose it has lived in a coastal environment as Guernsey is so small you can't really get away from the sea. I couldn't find any corrosion though, there's a tiny mark on the n/s/r bumper up where it meets the wing and signs of it being stood about (leaves & cobwebs around the under bonnet scuttle area etc) but other than that the exterior is lovely, the wheels & interior are pretty much immaculate. As a long time Lancia fan & owner of an original Delta this one will be getting the re-badge treatment to remove the C-word!4 points
Electric Windows seem to be a bit of a bone of contention. Don't let a seller tell you "It's probably just a fuse" if one of your windows doesn't work, there are no fuses. I have spoken to a couple of other Voyager users and they say the same. Keep the window tracks oiled so there is no resistance for window going up and down. Seems once the tracks either end dry up, the motors slow down and that's when problems can start. I use some 3 in one oil, not WD40, and my once slow windows now nip up and down. Just a thought!!4 points
Hand Break Is Too Loose, Springs Don't Auto Tighten?
VoyagerPig69 and 2 others reacted to timb02 for a question
You are right the handbrake does not auto tighten. there is a blanking grommet in the bottom of the rear disk back plate that allows access to the adjuster. with the wheel off the ground tighten each one until the wheel binds with the handbrake two clicks up. the hand brake on GV's is poor at the best of times so don't expect too much. The cable in the cabin should not need tightening and definitely shouldn't be used to adjust the brakes.3 points -
Looking To Buy
MikeyRules and 2 others reacted to ForzaLancia for a question
Hi, welcome Not sure if there is a buyer guide, but mechanically the car is similar to a Fiat Bravo II and both seem fairly reliable.The engines are used across a wide range of FCA products from Alfas to Fiat 500s and seem fairly robust and economical. The car is made in Italy but do not expect a thrill a minute Integrale experience, this Delta is more refined and almost an Italian Rover or Audi. The main issue is that people, even car buff do not have a clue what it is although passengers in mine seem quite impressed once inside. Have a search on Instagram for how good they do look inside and out. That 'identity crisis' does make the car hard to price. There are only 900 or so on British roads so some are priced on how they look which can be high (see the £4k one on ebay, looks great) or quite cheaply as there is no real demand. At auction they will typically sell for around £1500. All cars are around 8 years old so expect some wear although mine at 123k miles is holding up rather well. Budget £300 or so for a cambelt at least. Living with it is not a straight forward as Golf, indicator click is stupidly quiet, you have to fold the rear seat down to remove the parcel shelf as the tailgate is smaller than the shelf, no obvious place to put glasses or phone. The feedback from the road is set more toward isolation that the involvement of an Alfa, not as crisp and direct, but more refined. The radio is a let down, trim can be plasticy in places too. On the plus side the driving position is good, engines have decent poke, the body shape still looks crisp and modern and owners of similar sized Mercs, Audis and BMWs do not have a clue what has zoomed past them. Get a remap and take on bigger cars, readily available as the engines are Alfa/Fiat. Parts cheap too for the mechanical stuff, just don't damage the body or interior. The one pictured is a base spec with an even more unloved semi auto gearbox with high is miles, at auction it would have been around £1k, OK for basic transport with a good discount but if the autobox goes wrong few will know how to fix, and probably due a belt change. Now is a good time to get a Delta, market depressed, little demand, confused identity, but reliable basics, distinctive looks, nice colour combinations, smart interior, no signs of rust and prices rock bottom. Seek the best specced one you can find and haggle. What is there not to like!3 points -
Got home from the rig and the nice people at Swansea have written to me. So right now I am the proud first ever owner of AP12 VXC! Weirdly the V5 says 'first used elsewhere in the UK', which - if you've been following this - we know is B-S & is what caused all the faffing about in the first place; Guernsey isn't in the UK or EU. Never mind, tomorrow will transfer the GAS plate over & that is finally that!3 points
My Saturday was full on....3 points
Hi . I’m the lucky person who now owns Mikeys Delta. Just got home from collecting it .Mikey has maintained and looked after D3LTX. I have a file 2 inches thick listing everything he’s done .Really nice drive and a credit to him.3 points
Sliding Doors Problem On Mk5
Taffy and 2 others reacted to karmannski for a question
Hi all, I managed to fix the issue and hope that it will help some of you in the future to save some stress and money. The problem was bad ground wire G300 that lives under the carpet next to the B pillars on each side of the car. You must remove plastic covers and lift the carpet, undo the wire and give it a good clean. I found this video for similar problem, that might help you to picture it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSEAVnWP5X0 Hopefully this is it and I wont have this problem any more.3 points -
Hi Sorry for loooooooooong time to answer. If you wont to go lowered on active susp. Just replace springs nad thats all. Dont touch anything on cpu. Replace spring and njoy http://i68.tinypic.com/2quhh5k.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/2a5fapz.jpg http://i68.tinypic.com/15xpe6o.jpg3 points
Sump Plug And Washer
MikeyRules and 2 others reacted to Josboogz for a question
Just to confirm got my Delta services and MOT by my local indie. Sailed through MOT:) Sump plug and washer from mito from Alfa workshop was fine. Spark plugs were also right, car feels a lot better a lower revs. Glad I got it done, thanks for the advice chaps3 points -
Alarm Going Off Whilst Driving!
Nello and 2 others reacted to Rossocorsa for a question
Fixed at last! Got a new siren/control unit off eBay different part number but just the tone of the beep seems slightly different £80 as opposed to about £200 from Fiat, didn't want to risk £200 on something that may not have fixed it! The reason for failure of these units seems to be neither battery failure nor damp. The unit is sealed against damp but this has the side effect of holding in very small amounts of corrosive fumes from the charging of the batteries and this corrodes the circuit board. That's the theory I found on the net and seems plausible3 points -
May I add something here after readig it....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F/n Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....Sorry....3 points
Thanks again everybody - such a knowledgeable forum!! The cars been running absolutely fine since the repair and my paranoia has also calmed down ha! So far so good x3 points
The Lightening Bolt Of Doom!
BrownSugar and 2 others reacted to Briscoe76 for a question
Hopefully this will be of some use to someone if the same happens, which sadly I believe it a common thing . I've had the resistor in place for a week now, and its been working perfectly. About 300 miles covered faultlessly. It was playing on my mind about the whole thing being held together with electrical tape, so I decided to buy the ready made part from the chaps at www.custom300cshop.co.uk Its the second time Ive used them, and they are really helpful, with fast deliveries. The part I ordered was the swirl flap emulator http://www.custom300cshop.co.uk/chrysler300c_swirlportemulator.html Its basically a resistor fitted into a purpose made, and very high quality plastic casing, which fits perfectly into the swirl flap plug. This should take the worry out of the electrical tape melting or degrading over time. It was £40, which some may say is a lot for a bit of plastic, however the fact that they have had these specially made, they fit perfectly, and they are a damn sight cheaper than a new swirl flap motor, I think its good value for money. Pictures below if you fancy a look. Cheers Matt.3 points -
So garage have fitted 4 new injectors, and it so far so good. They have tested it and cannot replicate the cutting out. I have only driven it short distance, but it starts well (when previously it didn't) and it hasn't cut out, when previously it might have. If anything changes I will get back on here, but for anyone else who is experiencing poor starting and cutting out here is the order of events for me: Fuel FilterPressure relief valveFuel filter housing and wiring loomPressure sensor on fuel railInjector testingNew injectors My car has been renamed Triggers Broom!3 points
My Delta Review Has Just Been Published :-)
Cassino and 2 others reacted to MikeyRules for a question
https://www.parkers.co.uk/chrysler/delta/hatchback-2011/16-m-jet-sr-nav-5d/owner-reviews/20180112065355/?utm_campaign=parkers-owner-reviews&utm_source=publication-confirmation-email&utm_medium=email3 points -
Surplus Spring Coils For Free
MikeyRules and 2 others reacted to Dido for a question
This forum has proved indispensable for a Delta owner. I had the misfortune of a snapped passenger side spring coil, originals come in pairs with a hefty £300 price tag. I am going for an advice I got from the forum for a suspension lowering eipache kit been backed and shipped and hopefully by next week will be fitted OK. I will have surplus driver side and the 2 back ones old and bit rusty of course (11 reg) but can solve a problem and get a Delta back on the road. I can find some space in the garage or the attic to keep these in case a mate in the forum needs them, can ship for what it costs. Do you think we should set a spares thread....3 points -
Dash warning chimes
maxcaddy and one other reacted to BarryScott for a question
Mine is also odd. Whenever I open the door to get in it says: 'You will regret buying this car. Wait until you see how soon the battery will go flat'' Then when getting out it says: "Phew, we made it. THIS time!".2 points -
Transmission relay
maxcaddy and one other reacted to MatthewKelly1247 for a question
Thank you for al your help I have hopefully now fixed the transmission relay problem code p0888 fingers crossed2 points -
Looking To Buy
Alpine and one other reacted to kapetanikolas for a question
Great review above by Forzalancia. I would only emphasise the aspect 'space'. The car has enormous inside space, comparable to (or even bigger than) cars of larger category. Especially the space for back seat passengers is shocking. In terms of performance, engines are very good. I have the 1.4 MA and although fuel consumption is a bit high, the engine has good responsiveness and surprisingly good acceleration, even when you are on 6th gear cruising leisurely on the motorway. Road feedback of course is light years back in comparison to an Alfa Romeo, steering feels imprecise and gear change less smooth, so coming from an Alfa GT I feel a bit "out of my waters", as it actually feels like a boat in comparison to the GT, although they have almost the same dimensions. But let us not forget that it is a completely different car, addressing different public. In terms of design, the car beats hands down any 2020 model and the Platino version with the 18" wheels is just astonishingly beautiful. The car that you sent on the link is the 'argento' basic version (not sure how it is called in the UK), I would wait to get a higher spec version. Don't bother with the navi-radio, it is useless by modern standards. An important aspect to take into consideration is who is going to service it, in continental Europe FIAT network is extensive, not sure how it is in the UK.2 points -
2 points
Hi all Had these made by Vistaprint, well chuffed!!2 points
I just took mine to Halfords where they charged me a minimal amount to install. It took five mins, they took care of the old battery too. Once fitted all the dash warning lights came on but disappeared after 20 secs & I was good to go- just had to change the date/time settings which was simple enough even for me. Paul.2 points
Water In My Spare Wheel Well
MikeyRules and one other reacted to alfaspud for a question
Definitely not condensation in my case - pool of water under the plastic insert when removed You'd want to be dogging all night, every night to generate that much moisture2 points -
I'm still on the original battery too. My S/S has ceased working but thats OK with me and no other issues so................... I have disconnected before though for service work. No real issues although you may get some initial lights and errors and may need to move the steering wheel from lock to lock to remove any Steering errors. You might also need to reset the Auto-down windows function by fully depressing each then holding for 5 seconds.2 points
Deltamike - I honestly think the Delta's lights are really good - and that's with Halogen Dipped beam.............. you should try driving a Fiat Coupe at night!2 points
Recommended Parts Supplier
MikeyRules and one other reacted to ForzaLancia for a question
I have had a bit (well, alot) of difficulty find the correct dampers for my 2.0, these guys on Italian ebay were excellent https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/dcrricambiauto based in Catania in Sicily, but the parts were here in 72 hours, only one day longer than being supplied the wrong ones in the UK, and there were cheaper. Currently two rear dampers are half the price one on UK damper on ebay so they are very good on price too. Communication was excellent (through google translate!) Grazie mille!2 points -
Delta Radio Swap With Sat Navi
Andrewgrale and one other reacted to MikeyRules for a question
Hi Nico, and welcome to the club! The Navi unit will require the loom as the connections will be different. Unfortunately most used units don't come with any wiring, so you'll find it difficult to install. My advice would be to go for a good quality branded aftermarket unit instead as it will be much more straight forward to fit.2 points -
Before taking the plunge, I decided to take the old knob off and check the fixings / dimensions. As you can see from the pic below. Fitting the Renegade knob would have meant filing a flat on to the gear stick. So I decided against that, and went down the refurb route. Clean and flat with 1200 grit, 2 coats of aluminium paint 4 of clear lacquer later. Job done. Total cost; zero as I'd the paint left over from another job. I still might look for an alternative, but I don't dislike the original. I'll see how this turns out.2 points
Trials and tribulations of the MOT. New left front abs sensor and a rear brake pipe and she passed, I had to get the garage to bleed the car as it wouldn’t for me, but I was told I had put the pipe on the wrong way!!!!! Will look when it stops raining but it’s all done and no warning lights but now I have a strange sound like a graunching from the left rear wheel, something else to look at.2 points
Have you tried the earth lead connection to the starter motor? That was the trouble with mine with similar symptoms a year or so back IIRC. A quick wiggle and it magically sprang back to life. Replaced the spade connector with a new one after and it's not done it again. Good luck!2 points
Sliding Doors Problem On Mk5
Rich and one other reacted to karmannski for a question
Ok It seams to work after reseting of the module. To reset it you need to disconect positive lead from batterry for 10min. I hava also checked IOD fuse (M13) and give it a clean. Aparemtly it is the software failour and it happens now anf them.2 points -
As long as it is thin enough to flow at low temperatures and thick enough to perform satisfactorily at high temperatures where you live. 6L of 5W30 will perform correctly up to -25 degrees C and in 75 big round years of driving I've never seen those temps. Manky filter-change it !2 points
Good buy take it before it vanishes. Job down for 4 hours whoever does it. So from your average garage they will be wanting about £70/hr, mine cost £450 back in 2013 without pump (seems to have not needed it). Chrysler garage £125/hr minimum, quoted £750 for job. Belt and wheels should be about £150. Add water pump here as its driven by same belt. So Labour about £280 + Parts around £150 = total £430 not far away. Your choice but its a tight working space.2 points
Going To Look At This On Wednesday, Any Advice?
MikeyRules and one other reacted to TJB for a question
Well, going to see one tomorrow. 1.6MJ SR, 42k on a 12 plate, private sale.2 points -
Well.the omens are good. Started first turn of the key last evening when I collected her from the garage and, even more significantly, first turn this morning even though it is cold outside (well, as cold as it gets here!). I took her straight to "Cut Out" roundabout and no problems whatsoever and she seemed to running more smoothly and evenly but, of course, we have to allow here for auto-sugguestion on my part! So, cautious optimism, I'll take her for another run later on and I'll keep you all informed.2 points
Delta Lancia Badging
DeltaDrew and one other reacted to MikeyRules for a question
Welcome Drew! You can't beat the feeling of removing that dreadful Chrysler badge! Looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better now!2 points -
Bought my Delta in April 2014(ex.FCA staff car).......has been through four MOT,s in my hands. All passed,with no advisories......could I ask for more?.... A great all-round car really.2 points
Lowering My Gv
dan1chrysler and one other reacted to Semmysonic for a question
I'd guess looking towards the US for ideas would be the best idea, maybe some sort of airbag system. Would be good as you could then drop it right down for getting in and out, then raise it for comfortable driving2 points -
Delta Lancia Badging
Nello and one other reacted to Alcantaradelta for a question
Took me ages trying to get these pictures up,I'm in bury...only seen one white near me once..not many around.had a few people ask me about it since it was rebadged...kind of like the exclusivity it brings for the money it cost.. Don't know weather to go the hole Hogg and get the airbag, It's been a great help reading all you guys posts to ,,thanks..2 points -
Ah good thinking @@bignev I'm gonna give the aux inputs a go, I was basing that on my last GV which did the above. On the engine, all good and back on the road. It was a cracked flexplate in the end, so separated the autobox from the engine (bellhousing bolts, flexplate bolts removed from the starter motor hole when removed), got enough space to get the flexplate out and replaced. Cost from dealer was around £80 for the new flexplate. I've been planning on doing a full write-up on steps and gotchas doing it when I get round to it! All up and running and happy again though, cheers for asking m8 :-)2 points
So just to confirm to everybody I have now repaired my vehicle using a gearbox from a 3.3 petrol voyager. I purchased a 52 plate with head gasket failure for £200.The car had done 68k with one owner and full service history. I drove the vehicle for 36 miles without fault and if im honest it was a shame to break the car as it drove perfectly. I figured for £200 I would have a go and see if it would work. Well the answer is yes all though there is 2 slight modifications you have to do. 1: On the 2.8 gearboxes you will find 2 bolt holes under the rear diff, the 3.3 only has one and its in the wrong place. Easy to sort just alloy weld and make second hole. (I suppose you could just ignore it because its only one bolt but I like things to be right) 2: the hoses at the front as Neil said are incorrect. Rather than using hose I simply unscrewed the fitting and replaced with the correct fitting from my 2.8 gearbox. Fits perfect. I did use the torque converter from my 2.8 but looking the 3.3 would fit no worries. I have driven the car around 50 miles and all is perfect. So how much has it cost for this gearbox repair: Scrap car £200 Gearbox oil and filter £36 total £236 But then guess what, as I have bought a full car I can now either break the full car which I haven't time to do or sell to scrap yard. I have chosen the later and they are collecting it and giving me £125. So this gearbox repair has cost me £111. I did look at the internals prior to fitting and can also confirm they are the same. hope this helps somebody else in the future as on my quest to find a gearbox everybody told me it couldn't be done and that a gearbox is £500. Well they were wrong2 points
Did it!! Excellent video andyb2000 thanks! I found out that the thermostat I bought was actually mis-labelled in the database and was for an earlier voyager variant. I didn't fancy waiting for 2 weeks for delivery of the ebay thermostat that andy mentioned in his youtube notes so I did a little research on similar types. I picked up a thermostat for a 1992 Renault Clio 1.1 Engine code C1E700. It was about £8. It didn't have the same housing as the one Andy used, but the disc type. I had do do a fair bit of filing to reduce the diameter. It works a treat! Thanks all for your help.2 points
bignev and one other reacted to Semmysonic for a topic
Can we have a tab for lpg converted grand voyagers. To discuss problems, tips etc2 points -
Manual - Workshop Manuals
VOYAGER1 and one other reacted to turtlepowerdaniel for a question
here is a link that has all years and models in PDF format, just pick the one for your car and download/save I got mine from here http://oskin.ru/pub/chrysler-dodge/manuals/Service%20Manuals/ hope this helps2 points -
Replacing Door Handle
fryingscot and one other reacted to joonsey for a question
got it done - very fiddly job. Not sure if I did it right but it worked and everyone went back together fine. if anyone else interested; 1. remove triangle plastic cover from inside rear of window by prising it towards front of car. 2. remove the two torx screws holding the cover that fits over the inside door handle. 3. once this is prised off there is another torx screw to remove which fixes the plastic decorative door panel to the door. 4. the door panel should then prise away from a whole series of press studs that hold it in place. 5. there were two electric connectors to separate just inside the handle mounting to remove the panel completely. 6. there is then another smaller metal panel to remove. i firstly removed all the hex head bolts from around the edges using a 10 mm socket. I think there were around 12 of these. 7. at this point the door panel came away enough but I couldn't see how to get it to come completely off. there is some kind of connecting bracket to towards the rear of the panel that I could see but not access. There is another hex head bolt that goes through the door further back and I wondered if this was the final fix but wasn't confident to remove this one in case it was for something else. 8. anyway it didn't matter as with the window up and the door panel loose enough to pull slightly away and down, it is possible with a long socket extension to access the 8mm hex head bolts that hold the handle in place from the inside. 9. this part was fiddly. there are two bolts toward the front and one towards the back. there was also some tape to remove over one of the access holes. 10. There is also the pull cable to remove. this unsnaps from a slot and then the ball end of the cable can be twisted to come out of its retainer. its hard to see but you can see how it attaches by looking at new handle. i also got my son to shine a light behind the door panel but its a bit awkward to have someone else there as there is not a lot of room. if you trace this cable it will help to undo other end to give some slack to play with. at other end, there is a little black to unclip to get to cable ends and the end just prises out. 11. new handle fits by sliding back portion into door first and then rotating front. 12. fit the ball end of pull cable first and then pull cable back to snap it into position. 13. refit everything in reverse and should be fine. hope that helps someone else who might be looking to do this.2 points -
Hi and WELCOME TO THE FORUM. 5w 30 fully synthetic oil is recommended for your 2.8. Alan2 points