Cheers Nev, as I say it's always worrying when no one else has ever had the same problem..Anyway I'll try the IOD fuse as I do have the rear doors play up at times, and hopefully its as easy as having a dirty contact. Other than that as nothing in the dash has been touched in 5 years I'm hesitant to go in there, as I could cause more trouble than what I have. My concern with the red light was that it was associated with the ignition/alarm/immobiliser, and that it might then not want to start if it happened all the time. Not sure about the US site as, A, a lot of them use a mechanic and then report back what the mechanic said and not what they themselves had found or done, B, that unless the model is exactly the same there can be a world of différence in problems with a RHD Diesel against a LHD Petrol, and lastly that up until now I've always had good responses off of here .