The spring clips can be hard to locate by feel at the back of the steering wheel. From memory you'll need to break the seal as the leather covers the holes. Use a flat blade screwdriver (long one) to poke down the holes to locate the spring clips, and once you think you can feel them at the end of the driver push firmly and you feel one side release...obvs repeat for the second one too.
Just to confirm got my Delta services and MOT by my local indie. Sailed through MOT:) Sump plug and washer from mito from Alfa workshop was fine. Spark plugs were also right, car feels a lot better a lower revs. Glad I got it done, thanks for the advice chaps
Sounds about it Thanks - I'm actually surprised they fit - The SR Diamond cut wheels have a centre cap with a raised centre to accommodate the sticky-out hub which they appear to not have. Glad they fit though - I have been caught out by not getting the exact ones before.